Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What is the Snapshot and How it works Snapshot in Netapp


  1. Snapshot is point in time image of the file system, which is taken instantly with no impact on system performance

    Snapshot contains only pointers and blocks.Suppose you have changed something it will create new snapshot and it will point to new changed block and existing unchanged block.

    Snapshots can be browsed in a directory structure that looks just like the original

    NetApp reserves 20% of the available capacity of each volume for Snapshots

    Example of NetApp Snapshot Technology in Action
    The following figures assume that the file system is writing a file

    that consists of the blocks A, B, C, and D.
    The live file system writes the blocks A, B, C, and D to
    disk and locates them with pointers.

  2. You can store up to 255 snapshots at one time on each volume.

    snapshot files carry the same permission and inode numbers of the original files.

    What you can do with snapshots:

    Recover older versions or sets of files that were accidentally changed or
    ◆ Restore their own files without needing a system administrator to restore
    files from tape

    How to create Snapshot Manually in Netapp:

    snap create volume_name snapshot_name

    Creating snapshot schedule:

    We can create snapshot Monthly,weekly,daily,nightly,hourly

    snap sched volume_name weekly nightly hourly@n,n,....

    systemA>snap sched vol1 2 6 8@8,12,16,20

    Vol1 -> Volume name
    2 -> create snapshot every week and keep maximum two

    6 -> create snapshot every night and keep maximum six.

    Create snapshot ever hour mentioned as time list
