Solaris Jumpstart Installation in SPARC 10:
1. Download the Software from Site:
2. Burn to the CD
Before Start Installation
Enable tftp service Solaris Sparc 10
Add this to /etc/inetd.conf to configure tftpd:
TFTPD - tftp server
tftp dgram udp6 wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
Make your changes active:
root@badkitten:/# inetconv
root@badkitten:/# svcs | grep tftp
online 16:15:58 svc: /network/tftp/udp6: default
The reverse address lookup daemon, in.rarpd, is running.
Solaris Jumpstart Server :( IT Should Be Running on Sparc 10 OS)
Login to Jumpstart Server
Create the Directory for Installation Setup
Mkdir /export/install/Sparc_10
Copy the Content to Solaris jumpstart Installation directory.
Cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_10/Tools/
#. /setup_install_server /export/install/Sparc_10
This will copy the cdrom contents in to the /export/install/Sparc_10 directory.
Add more than one CD Installed Server Package:
Cd /cdrom/Solaris_10/Tools/
. /add_install_server /export/install/Sparc_10
2.2 Setting up a boot server
For installing clients over different networks you need a boot server in the same subnet as client.
Boot server after booting the client hands over subsequent installation & configuration process to install server.
#. /setup_install_server -b /export/install/Sparc_10/sun4u
2.3 Setting up configuration files
Make a jumpstart directory say /jumpstart
Copy sample jumpstart files from cd
Mkdir /export/jumpstart
Copy the content from cd or installation directory below mentioned path
=#cp –r /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.7/Misc/* /export/jumpstart
NFS Share In Solaris
# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/install/5.10u3-sparc
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/jumpstart
Restart The Service:
/etc/init.d/nfs.server restart
Finally to share (and verify) these directories, use the following command:
# shareall
Finally, you will need to mount the CDROM/DVD containing the Solaris media. This should happen automatically as soon as you insert the disc in the drive (if your system has the Solaris Volume Manager running on it) but strangely, it did not for me. I actually had to restart the Volume Manager to get the DVD mounted:
Share It will show shared file
Making Rules
Edit the sample rules file as per your requirement
#vi /export/jumpstart/rules
Keywords their value and usage is described in rules file itself.
any minus sign (-) in rule value always matches for that keyword.
Domainname text system's domain name
disksize text range system's disk size
disk device name text disk size (MBytes range)
hostname text system's host name
installed text text system's installed ver. of Solaris disk device name (text)
OS release text
karch text system's kernel architecture
memsize range system's memory size (MBytes range)
model text' system's model number
network text system's IP address
totaldisk range system's total disk size (MBytes range)
The following rule set matches any machine and redirect the install request to a profile file called any_machine.
any - - any_machine - //it will allow all the machine
network XX.XX.XX.0 && arch sparc - myT1000 -
2.5 Verifying rules
A script called check validates and generates a rules.ok file if syntax, keywords are in order.
Validating rules...
Validating profile any_machine...
rules ok.
The clients will read the rules.ok file for booting information
2.6 Creating Profiles
Profile is a text file which contains configuration information for the clients
A sample profile file called any_machine is already there. You can create your custom profile files through text editor and mention in rules file.
#vi /export/jumpstart/myT1000
install_type initial_install
system_type server
partitioning explicit
filesys c0t0d0s0 500 /
filesys c0t0d0s1 1000 swap
filesys c0t0d0s3 1000 /usr
filesys c0t0d0s4 1000 /var
filesys c0t0d0s5 1000 /opt
cluster SUNWCXall
This is an optional file that essentially allows you to specify extra settings for your installation. In summary, the more settings you specify here, the less questions you are asked during the network installation and the more automated the process becomes. Here is the sysidcfg file that I used:
system_locale=en_IE.UTF-8 install_locale=en_IE.UTF-8 timezone=Eire terminal=vt100 timeserver=localhost name_service=DNS { domain_name=XXXX.YYY name_server=X.X.X.X,Y.Y.Y.Y search=XXX.YYY,XXX.YY } network_interface=bge0 {netmask= default_route=X.X.X.X protocol_ipv6=no } security_policy=NONE Once you have all of these files in place, you need to verify that they are syntactically correct. This is done using the check tool as follows:
# cd /export/jumpstart
# ./check
Validating rules...
Validating profile myT1000...
The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.
2.8 Add a host entry
Edit the /etc/ethers file and put a host entry for your client ;Ethernet address followed by host name.
On client ok>banner will give ethernet address
#vi /etc/ethers
8:00:50:44:88:12 mercury
Custom Jumpstart configuration is ok.
5. Telling the server about a client
Before you can commence an installation from a client, you need to tell the install server about that client. Since I was not using DHCP and already had a DNS server with a valid entry for my client, this stage was a little easier for me. Of course you also need to ensure that your server is running a TFTP Boot Server. To tell the server about a client, you need to know the MAC address of the primary network adapter of the client Add the client to the hosts file.
# echo " sparc" >> /etc/hosts
# cd /export/home/installserver/Solaris_10/Tools and the intended hostname of the client. Once you know this, use the f ollowing command:
# cd /export/install/5.10u3-sparc/Solaris_10/Tools
# ./add_install_client -e 11:22:33:44:55:66 -s fonda:/export/install/5.10u3-sparc -c fonda:/export/jumpstart -p fonda:/export/jumpstart/ shefflin sun4v
The name of my client was shefflin (it was a sun4v system) and as I indicated earlier, the name of my server was fonda. Clearly, you will need to use your own values for the parameters as well as the correct MAC address. The result of this command is some new files in the TFTP Boot area as well an a new entry in the /etc/ethers file.
You are now ready to start the installation from the client.
6. Starting the Client Installation
This is actually the simplest part of the exercise and involves one command. However, you do need to ensure that the Network Management port of your client has been configured with a valid IP address. Anyway, to start the client installation, use the following commands from the boot prompt of your client:
Boot net - install
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